Smart Transfer Tax

Our $MAGMA token has an 8% transfer tax, but it does NOT apply for staking, unstaking and harvesting $MAGMA tokens on our farm. The main focus of yield farms should be to retain the price of the native token, and the transfer tax does help in providing deflationary pressure on the native token.

However, does it make sense for native holders to pay 8% to stake, then another 8% to unstake? No, right? But alas, for normal yield farms, the native farmers actually pay more than the non-native farmers to farm (2 * transfer tax % VS 4%). This is EXACTLY why we chose to retain the transfer tax, but specifically exclude the staking, unstaking and harvesting actions from the transfer tax, so that the native farmers will not be unfairly penalized for farming, yet the deflationary pressure on our $MAGMA tokens is still kept through the transfer tax only on buy and sell orders on PCS!

Last updated

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